Wormhole Episode 6
On the next episode of Wormhole, hosts– Eric and Sutton– learn that our world’s coral reefs are dying at an alarming rate. In fact, during July 2023, Florida saw its warmest year on record, marked by temperatures 3 to 5 degrees above normal, and ocean water temperatures as high as 92-101° Fahrenheit. After learning that most coral grow optimally in water temperatures between 73° and 84°, the Wormhole team discovered that rather than bleaching, coral weren’t even given a chance to recover– they were just dying.
Devastated and eager to raise awareness for our reefs, Eric and Sutton confidently approach The Coral Restoration Foundation, only to find two brilliant (and far more youthful) hosts– Alejandra Jiménez and Olivia Antillon– have already been hired to tell the story. Noticeably slighted, determined to help, and two non-refundable flights later, Wormhole joins forces with The Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida, The Coral Restoration Foundation, Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium, and The Reef Institute to learn how to turn the tide for this critical ecosystem on which we all rely.
Stay tuned to find out how one tasty solution might be the answer to help us all care about protecting the future of our reefs.
Why should we care about coral?
25% of all marine life rely on coral reefs at some point in their life-cycle.
Reefs protect shorelines from storms, breaking the energy of waves by an average of 97%.
Worldwide, the goods and services provided by reefs have been valued at $2.7 trillion a year.
And scientists predict that without immediate action, 70-90% of coral reefs could die off in the next 30 years.